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5 Amazing Benefits of Eating With Your Hands

In this article, I’m going to talk about 5 reasons why you should start eating with your hands.

Eating with your hands is a great way to develop a better relationship with food. Now before you dismiss this idea and tell me how eating with hands is unhygienic, hear me out first!

There are some compelling reasons why eating with your hands is better for you than eating with spoons.

Here are 5 benefits of eating with your hands.

The 5 Amazing Benefits of Eating With Your Hands

1. You’ll Enjoy your Food More

The most important thing about eating is enjoying your food because eating should be a sensory experience.

When you use your hands to eat, you stimulate all your senses and this makes the experience of eating much more enjoyable.

Think about it, when you’re using utensils to eat, you’re only really stimulating your sense of taste and sight. But when you use your hands, you also stimulate your sense of smell and touch.

Eating with your hands allows you to savour the flavours of your food and appreciate all the ingredients that have gone into making it.

When you use utensils, you tend to eat much faster and this can lead to overeating because you’re not giving yourself time to register that you’re full.

But when you eat with your hands, it’s easy to gauge how much you’re eating and this can help you avoid overeating. If your goal is to lose weight this year consider eating with your hands.

So, if you want to enjoy your food more and develop a better relationship with food, then start eating with your hands!

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2. It’s Better for Your Digestion

Eating with your hands is better for your digestion. The way you eat is just as important as what you eat, according to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that emphasizes the importance of proper digestion.

Ayurveda medicine believes when you use utensils to eat you tend to eat faster, and this makes you swallow air along with your food leading to indigestion, bloating, and gas.

But when you eat with your hands, you swallow less air while eating and this helps to improve digestion.

Eating food is not just about satisfying your hunger, but a way to nourish your inner self and take care of your most valuable cells and organs.

According to Ayurveda, our hands are the most precious organs of action and every finger is an extension of the five elements. (Thumb = Fire, First finger = Air, Middle finger = Ether, Ring finger = Earth, and Pinky finger = Water).

Ayurveda teaches that eating with your hands is a great way to stimulate all five elements and bring forth digestive juices that will help break down food in your stomach.

The fingertips are full of nerves and when we touch our food, it stimulates good digestion.

Feeling your meal becomes an opportunity for communication with the stomach, it signals “I’m about to eat.” We become more aware not only of tastes but also textures as well thanks to all those nerve endings!

Lastly, good digestion is the first step to disease prevention. Poor digestion leads to a lot of health problems like nutrient deficiencies, skin problems, and even mental health issues.

So, if you want to reduce your risk of diseases and improve your digestion, start eating with your hands today!

3. You’ll Eat Slower, and Feel Fuller Quickly

Eating with your hands is a great way to eat slower and feel fuller quickly so you can avoid overeating.

As I mentioned before, when you use utensils, you tend to eat much faster. But when you use your hands, it’s easy to gauge how much you’re eating and this can help you avoid overeating.

Eating slowly and mindfully has a lot of benefits. It allows you to chew your food properly which means you’ll break down the food in your mouth before digesting it.

Also, you’ll savour the flavours of your food, and give your body time to register that you’re full.

This is regardless of how much food is on your plate and it’ll help you avoid overeating! And if your goal is to lose weight, it helps if you intentionally eat in moderation to avoid gaining weight.

Overeating is one of the main reasons for weight gain and obesity in society.

While eating with hands and eating mindfully can help you eat slowly, and improve digestion, you should still consider what you eat and how much food you eat daily.

So, if you want to eat slower and feel fuller quickly, start eating with your hands today!

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4. You’ll Make Healthier Food Choices

One major benefit I’ve personally noticed from eating with my hands is that it helps me make healthier food choices.

When you know you’re going to eat with your hands you start to think more carefully about what types of food you should eat.

For example, I’ve recently made a change to my diet. Before I used to eat fruits and vegetables once or twice a week. But now fruits and vegetables make up 50% of my diet.

This is because I find these foods easier to eat with my hands and easier to eat every day. It helps me maintain eating a well-balanced healthy diet.

Also, eating fruits and vegetables are easy for my body to digest, allowing me to feel the food with my hands when I’m washing the fruits and cutting them up.

This allows me to develop a better relationship with food and I enjoy my food a lot more while at the same time improving my gut health!

Lastly, eating with my hands has helped me to become more aware of what I’m eating and how it makes my body feel.

But with everything, discipline is key. Choose better food choices and you’ll enjoy eating with your hands!

So, if you want to make healthier food choices, start eating with your hands!

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5. It’s the Traditional Way to Eat

You’d be happy to know that our ancestors ate with their hands for centuries.

Eating with your hands has always been the traditional way to eat and still is in many cultures, including Indian, African and Middle Eastern cultures.

In these cultures, eating with hands is not only seen as normal but it’s also considered to be polite!

In my Nigerian Yoruba culture, for example, eating with your hands is seen as a sign of respect. I remember growing up in Nigeria with my family and we ate food together with our hands regularly.

I mean we all ate from the same bowl with our hands together as a family.

We washed our hands before and after eating our traditional food Eba and Efo Riro and Egusi. This is the type of food you enjoy eating with your hands rather than using utensils.

These types of activities we used to do together as a family was a great way to bond together and with our food. It also promotes healthy gut microbes and enriches your gut health.

So the practice of eating with hands is not new to me. Even in Asian cultures, Indians have been eating with their hands for centuries too and they know something about the benefits of doing so!


Lastly, think about this: why do a lot of people love eating fast food? Well, because you eat it with your hands.

The enjoyment you get from eating fast food even though it’s not good for you is because you eat it with your hands and people end up being addicted to eating fast food.

The same thing can be true if you eat fruits and vegetables daily.

You’ll form a connection by eating healthy food with your hands and your health will improve massively!

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